Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here!

My name is Anastasia, and I’m a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, outdoor enthusiast, explorer, traveler, yogi, foodie, and lover of ALL things health and wellness.

With endless diet trends and a constant barrage of conflicting information, knowing how to “live a healthy lifestyle” can feel overwhelming. But I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be.

Being healthy isn’t about eating a salad every day or giving up carbs, it’s about taking an integrative and holistic approach to wellness that is right for YOU. It's about making small, consistent choices that lead to significant results over time lead to significant results. It’s about eating whole, nourishing, real foods that make you feel good mentally, physically, and emotionally. Most importantly, it’s about creating a life you LOVE!

Consider this blog your new go-to destination for all things health and wellness, with a little bit of travel sprinkled in (my personal form of self-love). Whether you're embarking on a journey to improve your physical fitness, enhance your nutrition, manage stress, or simply expand your knowledge – you've come to the right place.

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Wellness means something different to every person. I am not here to tell you what to eat or how to live, I’m just here to share some of the things that have helped me in my own health and wellness journey. What “healthy habits” you choose to embrace are up to you.


Mindful eating and making nutritious choices can truly transform your health and vitality, and I'm a firm believer that food is medicine. Here, you'll find a mix of nutritious and delicious recipes I've whipped up in my own kitchen and collected from my favorite dietitians, bloggers, and health pros. Rest assured that any brand I recommend is a brand I personally use and trust.


"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." – Oscar Wilde

It is no secret that adventure and travel are my ultimate love languages. From trekking through Peru to exploring ancient underground cities in Turkey to hiking the Ozarks in Arkansas, I will be sharing some of my favorite experiences in the United States and across the world.

The Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN)

One of the OG players in the health and wellness field, IIN provides students with an innovative, holistic, online curriculum that explores more than 100 dietary theories and dives into topics like your relationship with food, healing the gut, functional medicine, intermittent fasting, prebiotics and probiotics, aging well, intuitive eating, neuroplasticity, mind-body wellness, stress and your body, and so much more. You’ll learn that it’s not just about the food on your plate, but also about how to nourish yourself within all areas of your life. Get their free program overview here and use code ANASTASIAPLOTNIKOVAXIIN to receive 20% off any course when signing up. I promise, this will change your life. I know it absolutely changed mine.